Healthy Lifestyles Build
Healthy Neighborhoods!

Our mission is to create an environment where all residents can continue to enjoy life to its fullest potential…at home.
Civic Telehealth understands that your home is your castle, and that you want to live there, not in some institution. Civic strives to enable people of every age to live their best lives, and knows that part of that is living where they want to live.
What We Do:
Monitor Your Vital Signs
Experienced nurses respond to changes that need attention.
Secure Online Access
Your health data are uploaded and stored to be shared with those you choose and secured against unauthorized access.
By monitoring clues to your overall health, you can get help earlier, before more serious problems arise. Illness is costly, and earlier intervention can reduce expenses.
At Your Service
The ultimate in convenience. You can monitor your health information in the comfort of your own home.
Nursing Advice
Diseases are complicated. Civic Telehealth is your conduit to experienced nurses who not only monitor your progress, but educate you about your health and your healthcare.
Helping Your Doctor
Civic Telehealth recognizes that your personal physician is your health champion. The nurses at Reconnect4Health strive to extend your doctor’s services, by providing him early notice of signs of possible trouble.
Get In Touch With Us!
Our Services
Civic Telehealth understands that medical problems are among the main reasons people often need to leave the homes they love. Folks live in assisted living and other facilities not because they want to, but because they feel they have to. Such places play an important, valued role, but most of their residents would be much happier were they able to live at home.
Civic asked: What can we do to enable more people to live longer where they prefer to live?
Civic recognized that, since most people need long-term care because of complications of chronic illnesses, the key is to keep those complications at bay as long as possible. Civic saw the value of watching for signs of trouble, so problems could be nipped in the bud. Civic also realized that modern technology allows those skilled in the art to check regularly but unobtrusively both on healthy people who aim to stay that way and on those with illnesses that are prone to occasional flare-ups. Civic looked around for professionals with the right skills and the right knowledge base to provide these monitoring services, and soon discovered Reconnect4Health. Civic Telehealth is a channel to the services of R4H, a team of nurses nationally recognized for its long experience in remote patient monitoring. In collaborating with R4H, Civic aims to enable those living in our communities to enjoy their lives, in surroundings they enjoy, amidst the people they care about, surrounded by possessions that matter to them. Civic thinks that’s how it ought to be.

BodyTrace 4G Cellular Blood Pressure Monitor
4G cellular blood pressure monitors are simple to use and upload data automatically – every time residents test – eliminating the challenges of pairing Bluetooth and additional apps, and enabling consistent data transmission.

BodyTrace 4G Cellular Weight Scale
4G scale monitors and uploads data automatically – every time you weigh yourself. It’s easy, it’s accurate, and it allows R4H’s nurses to detect early on evidence of negative trends in those with heart failure and those who for any other reason need to lose weight.

Your Health Starts Here
Civic Telehealth encourages you to email us, but please do NOT provide us with any information about your health or healthcare. Civic Telehealth is not a healthcare provider.